Nursing caring tips section
Each generation has specific needs andour elders are no different. Athoughtful, compassionate approach helps develop a real relationship and trust between you and your loved one and when your loved one feel that you understand them, outcomes improve a lot. Here, we would like to share some useful practical tips to help smooth communication and provide the best care possibe to your loved one.
Guide to incontinence care for elderly loved ones
What is incontinence?
Urinary incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine, known as an overactive bladder, and is more common in older people, especially women. There are many underlying conditions that can lead to bladder leaks, and consulting a doctor can help determine the possible causes of your loved one. Some of the common incontinence causes include:
○ Weakened pelvic floor due to childbirth or prostate surgery
○ Medications that weaken bladder muscles
○ Diseases that affect bladder nerves (Parkinson’s, diabetes)
○ Overweight/Obesity (weakens bladder muscles)
○ Cognitive disorders (Alzheimer’s, other dementias)
○ Enlarged prostate
○ Prostate cancer
How do I provide incontinence care for the Elderly?
Urinary incontinence is something which many elderly people experience, and it is important to know how you can gracefully and respectfully support your loved ones in managing the issue. Whether you’re new to incontinence care or a veteran looking for encouragement, here are some tips and best practices to keep in mind as you provide incontinence care for your elderly parent(s).
1) Have a talk with your loved one(s).
The first step to take when addressing a loved one who is living with incontinence is to emphatically discuss the situation with them. Though it will be a tough conversation as they might feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, having a calm, understanding and honest conversation can help make them feel like they are in control of the situation and give you a clear perspective on how to give them the best care.
2) Understand their condition
As incontinence undermines your loved one’s health, it’s vital to pinpoint the source. By taking them to the doctor for examination and knowing their health conditions and underlying issues that cause them to struggle with incontinence, you can better anticipate and meet his or her needs more effectively and efficiently.
3) Watch out for certain foods and drinks
Did you know that certain foods and drinks can trigger incontinence or worsen overactive bladder? People living with incontinence problems often find relief by limiting or avoiding the following foods and drinks.
- Carbonated beverages, such as sparkling water
- Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and tea
- Chocolates which contain caffeine in this sweet confection
- Alcoholic drinks
- Acidic fruits or fruit juices such as citrus fruit, tomato and tomato products
- Spicy foods such as chilies or wasabi wreaks havoc on the bladder
- Foods containing artificial flavorings and preservatives
- Foods or drinks containing sugar like desserts or sugar substitutes especially aspartame and saccharin
- Raw onion. Cooking the onion before eating could help reduce the adverse effect it may have on the bladder.
- Salty foods such as potato chips, salted nuts, and other salty foods can cause the body to retain water, which eventually goes to the bladder.
In general, when these foods and drinks collect in the bladder, they can cause irritation resulting in bladder muscle spasms. Those spasms can create the sudden urge to urinate and increase the frequency of urination.
4) Choose the right incontinence products
It is very important to choose the right product in order to manage the symptoms of urinary incontinence effectively and to make your loved ones’ daily life easy and comfortable. Adult diapers are the most commonly used product or aid to deal with the condition as they are ideal for discreetly managing incontinence, and are suitable for both daily and those occasionally affected. As choosing the right type of product to manage incontinence will not only improve your loved one’s quality of life but also ease your workload, choosing the right product by giving importance to the product types, quality, size, and changing frequency are the key to ensure that they feel comfortable.
If you are looking for quality diapers with maximum protection and comfort, you may find that the ActivTM diaper is the best choice. It has multi-layer absorption core technology in which the Regular series comes in 5 layered cores whereas the Premium series comes in 6 layered cores. Both of them offer ultimate high absorption capacity and fast absorption speed. It is also specially infused with hyaluronic acid which helps lock in moisture and strengthens the skin barrier to protect from external aggressors.
Now that you’ve read our guide to incontinence care for your loved ones, we believe our caring tips will be helpful to give your loved one the best care. If you wish to know more about ActivTM diapers, feel free to check out our product section on this website and grab the best of the best!